Journal of System Simulation ›› 2024, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 50-66.doi: 10.16182/j.issn1004731x.joss.22-1028
• Papers • Previous Articles Next Articles
Cheng Jie1(), Zheng Yuan2(
), Li Chenglong1,3, Jiang Bo1
Zheng Yuan;
CLC Number:
Cheng Jie, Zheng Yuan, Li Chenglong, Jiang Bo. Multi-UAV Collaborative Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Urban Ultra-low-altitude Air Transportation Scenario[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2024, 36(1): 50-66.
Table 4
Starting and ending points of fifteen UAVs
无人机编号 | 起始点 | 目标点 | 起飞时间 |
UAV-1 | (0,0) | (20,29) | 08:30 |
UAV-2 | (29,0) | (20,20) | 08:30 |
UAV-3 | (0,20) | (20,29) | 08:15 |
UAV-4 | (20,0) | (29,29) | 08:15 |
UAV-5 | (0,29) | (10,20) | 08:30 |
UAV-6 | (20,29) | (20,20) | 08:30 |
UAV-7 | (0,0) | (29,29) | 08:00 |
UAV-8 | (0,0) | (20,20) | 08:30 |
UAV-9 | (15,0) | (10,20) | 08:30 |
UAV-10 | (29,10) | (20,20) | 08:15 |
UAV-11 | (20,0) | (29,29) | 08:30 |
UAV-12 | (0,20) | (20,20) | 08:30 |
UAV-13 | (0,10) | (15,29) | 08:15 |
UAV-14 | (15,0) | (29,29) | 08:30 |
UAV-15 | (29,10) | (15,29) | 08:30 |
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