Publication Ethics Statement

  • Journal of System Simulation follows the recognized publication ethics. We firmly oppose plagiarism in any form. Authors submitting articles to the journal should affirm that manuscript contents are original. They should also warrant that their article has neither been published elsewhere in any language fully or partly, nor is it under review for publication anywhere.

    In order to strengthen the construction of academic integrity and resist academic misconduct, editors, authors and reviewers of this journal shall perform the following duties:

    Duties of Authors

    1. Editors should play an important role in ethical oversight. Abide by academic publishing ethics. Consciously abide by scientific research integrity, academic ethics, academic norms and publishing ethics, defend academic dignity, improve ethical oversight, create a good academic environment, and maintain the benign and sustainable development of the academic ecosystem.

    2. Editors should deal with every manuscript fairly and justly, and make a decision of accept/reject according to aim and scope of journal, novelty and academic nature of manuscript. Timely register, submit to peer-review after passing initial review, edit and publish after passing final review.

    3. In the process of editing and publishing, editors should not only pay attention to publishing standards, but also respect the author's views and style of writing. The author's consent should be obtained for the key changes of academic views.

    4. "Double blind"evaluation system is adopted,and the true review logs are recorded. It is obligated to keep confidential to the information of the author and reviewers, the author's research results and the intermediate data of manuscript processing.

    Duties of Editors

    1. The author is the major contributor to the article. The author should make substantial contribution contributions to the article, be directly responsible for the article.

    2. Authors should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently. The author should not publish manuscripts describing same research result in more than one journal.

    3. Manuscripts should follow the submission instruction of the journal. The manuscript should have independent intellectual property and must be the original work without academic dishonorable behavior such as plagiarism, data falsification, etc. The contents of the manuscript do not contain confidential information.

    4. Authors should confirm all sources of data used in the research results of other scholars mentioned in the article are properly cited and annotated.

    5. All named authors meet the journal’s requirements for authorship, do not add or remove authors at will.

    6. State the funding information related to the research in the manuscript, and do not write other funding information unrelated to the research.

    7. Respect the evaluation opinions of the reviewers. In case of any objection, submit a written statement to the editorial office, and make detailed explanation for each review opinion.

    8. Authors should declare whether there is a conflict of interest/competing interests at submission. In case of a conflict of interest, all economic interests that may have an impact on the results of their research. Authors should clarify personal conflicts of interest, including relationship with consulting firms, employment information, participation in lobbying groups, ownership of stocks or shares, and any information related to the fund, fees, emolument, reimbursement, and any registered patents.

    Duties of Reviewers

    1. Reviewers should review manuscripts in time according to the agreement. If they can't review on time for some reasons, they should inform the editorial office in time and return the review.

    2. The reviewers shall confirm the data, figures and other relevant sources in the manuscripts, and inform the editors if any plagiarism or multiple contributions are found.

    3. Reviewers must be objective, fair, scientific and accurate in their evaluation of manuscripts, and should express their opinions through arguments.

    4. Reviewers should keep the content of the manuscripts confidential and not use the authors' research results illegally.

    5. When there is conflict of interest between the reviewer and the author, funding unit or other related parties, the reviewer should take the initiative to avoid reviewing the manuscript.

    Retractions and Corrections

    1. Once the manuscript is found to be identical with the published article, the same data or drawings may constitute a duplicate publication, or there are honest errors (such as misjudgment or experimental error)resulting in unreliable research results, the editorial office should reject the manuscript.

    2. The article should be supervised by the academic community and the whole society after publication. If the author or others discover any errors or defects in the article ,or any academic misconduct such as plagiarism, data falsification, disclosure, etc., they should inform the editorial office immediately. The editorial office shall assist the author to withdraw the article or issue a correction statements and erratum after verification. Any academic misconduct will be punished in accordance with relevant procedures and regulations. Authors should be responsible for their articles for life.

    3. The editorial office must correct or withdraw any publishing error as soon as it is discovered. In dealing with the issue of publishing ethic complaints, it follows the relevant national policies and procedures, and provides the author with the opportunity to respond. All complaints must be strictly reviewed and relevant documents retained, regardless of whether the original manuscript has been published.

  • 2022-01-25 Visited: 13223