Journal of System Simulation ›› 2022, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (09): 1976-1987.doi: 10.16182/j.issn1004731x.joss.21-0395

• Modeling Theory and Methodology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Energy-Efficient Scheduling of Multi-objective Flexible Job Shop Considering Interval Processing Time

Hongliang Zhang(), Renman Ding, Gongjie Xu   

  1. School of Management Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Ma’anshan 243032, China
  • Received:2021-05-06 Revised:2021-06-25 Online:2022-09-18 Published:2022-09-23


Based on the comprehensive consideration of economic indicators and environmental factors, the energy-efficient scheduling problem of multi-objective flexible job shop with uncertain processing time is studied. The interval number is used to describe uncertain processing time of the workpiece, and the optimization model for energy-efficient problem of interval flexible job shop scheduling is established to minimize the maximum interval completion time and total energy consumption. According to the domination relation of interval possibility degree, an effective interval multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is designed. The simulation experiments of the interval multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, SPEA-II and NSGA-II are carried out through 15 groups of test problems, and the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm are verified by two performance indexes, the inverse generation distance (IGD) and the covering set measure (C measure).

Key words: flexible job shop scheduling, multi-objective optimization, interval number, possibility degree, energy consumption

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