Journal of System Simulation ›› 2018, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 1772-1780.doi: 10.16182/j.issn1004731x.joss.201805019

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Research on Numerical Simulation of Continuous Roll Forming Process of Four-roll Plate Bending Machines

Wang Yan, Zhu Xinqing, Hu Jiefei, Cui Ximin   

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
  • Received:2016-06-13 Revised:2016-09-18 Online:2018-05-08 Published:2019-01-03

Abstract: In order to improve the production process quality of four-roll plate bending machines, a four-roll bending mathematical model is established and a finite element simulation is used to verify its accuracy. The influence of side roller displacement, sheet thickness, and rotational speed on the radius and quality of the final shaped plate are analyzed. The simulation results show that as the displacement of side roll increases, the downtrend of the sheet forming radius gradually slows down and the quality of the formed sheet also decreases. Plastic strain fluctuation on plate surface decreases as the thickness increases, quality of thick plate is better than that of thin plate. Rotational speed has less influence on final shape radius, while reducing rotational speed will improve the uniformity of formed plate, forming quality can also be improved by reducing plastic strain fluctuations of plate shaping surface.

Key words: four-roll plate bending machines, mathematical model, finite element simulation, forming radius, forming quality

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