Journal of System Simulation ›› 2020, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 371-381.doi: 10.16182/j.issn1004731x.joss.19-0320

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Spatial Structure Optimization of Natural Forest Based on Bee Colony-particle Swarm Algorithm

Qing Dongsheng1,2, Zhang Xiaofang1, Li Jianjun1*, Guo Rui1, Deng Qiaoling2   

  1. 1. Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 41000, China;
    2. Hunan Applied Technology University, Changde 415000, China
  • Received:2019-07-15 Revised:2019-09-24 Online:2020-03-18 Published:2020-03-25

Abstract: The natural forest spatial structure contains the spatial location information of the forest, which affects the growth, competition and stability of the forest development. Its optimization is a multi-objective programming problem. A bee colony particle swarm optimization (ABC-PSO) hybrid algorithm is proposed, which improves the initial particle generation mechanism, the number of follow bees and the circulation mechanism. The algorithm is applied to the multi-objective optimization of the spatial structure of natural forest. An optimization model which takes account of the tree distribution grid, tree size segmentation and tree competition is established. The simulation results show that the bee colony-particle swarm optimization algorithm improves the forest health level and solves the multi-objective optimization of the forest spatial structure.

Key words: natural forest spatial structure, artificial bee colony algorithm, particle swarm algorithm, ABC-PSO algorithm, multi- objective optimization model

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